Gary Delpha



29 Curtis Road
Terryville, CT 06786

Married to Jean Chelchowski Delpha (THS '65)

Not much new with me except now I keep bees. They are amazing! Everything else is pretty much the same, only a little slower. My business is still growing, but cutting down on the trees. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.)

I think of the special friends that I can no longer talk with. I guess it's all part of the roller coaster ride.

From 2010:

Retired for 5 years from the forests of Bristol Water Dept. Currently, operating a small outside maintenance business. Fully retired when there's snow and ice.

Enjoying my grandchildren, family, friends, new puppies, our yard, White Mountains ravines and good beer. Still hiking, biking, paddling, free heel skiing, climbing and working (I am a workaholic and can't sit still).

Looking forward to seeing our high school classmates.